Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Woke up too early and couldn't get back to bed. Breakfast: granola and sliced banana. Missed the bus by one minute, just waited 20 minutes for the next one. Boarded a bus 6 at 9th and Judah walked past the smelly presumably homeless person in the front of the bus, got to the back of the bus, noticed that all the windows were closed, opened one window, and when I started to open another a woman next to me immediately complained, so I shut the window I opened and walked off to the front of the bus while she said behind me that I could leave the one window open. But the bus was still too stinky for me to bear even the short ride to work, so I exited the bus at the next stop and walked up the hill the rest of the way. Listserv work. 1st Year Presentation work in PowerPoint for Cindy. Assigned Eric D the replacement formmail project. Lunch: got sandwich fixins from the cafeteria and made a bagel sandwich with one of the bagels that Cindy and Eric V brought yesterday. Briefly visited the safety fair. 1-on-1 with Cindy. Tracked down the UC policy which says admins are not supposed to use administrator accounts for non-admin tasks for Quinn H. Dinner at home with Patrick: delivery from Zante. Put Patrick to bed—his allergies have made him miserable nearly the whole day. Installed Vista at home into a 200 GB virtual disk in VMware Fusion. More iMac and Vista setup. Tried to set up ad hoc wireless but failed.