Saturday, August 9, 2008

Stretches. Weight training: advanced weighted crunch. Usual oatmeal breakfast. Cut my hair, showered. Took care of The New Yorker paperwork. Prepared gifts and cards. Read about Twinkle. Just happened to notice that is an available domain name. Processed and uploaded photos to Flickr. Read in bed while Patrick napped. Helped Patrick with a file conversion process that took some figuring out, and I reminded him that he shouldn't be buying music from the Apple iTunes Store. Stretches. Weight training: superslow tricep kickback, superslow lateral raise, superslow dumbbell press, wrist curl, reverse wrist curl. Stretches. Late lunch at home: chunky soup, tater tots, hot water. More photo editing. Dinner at home with Patrick: pig chops, mashed potatoes with gravy, roasted corn off the cob. I fell asleep while Patrick and I watched the remainder of Wings of Desire on DVD. Woke up late at night, did computer things. Snack: popcorn. In looking at the popcorn box, I thought how strange that popcorn manufacturers include nutrition information on the box for the popcorn as unpopped. They also include the values as popped, but why for unpopped? Who is going to eat unpopped popcorn AND wonder how nutritious it is for them? Who envisioned people all over the United States comparing different popcorn boxes and making very educated buying decisions based on the unpopped values? Maybe it's the FDA that requires it—that would explain everything. Went back to bed.