Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Usual oatmeal breakfast. Michele visits us again today. Joel brought a delicious coconut breakfast bread to share—the 4th such breakfast bread he has brought in the past few weeks. Installed Fx for OS X. Chatted with Susie on the phone. Checked on Retrospect connecting to Eric's computer. Answered questions for student SH about dvd decoders and Flash installation. Cesar resolved the problem I had accessing a shared folder across subnets. Turns out I was doing everything correctly but the remote computer for some reason did not have File and Printer Sharing installed. Works now. Subnet mask modification was not necessary. Lunch from the cafeteria, eating with Joel and Michele in the back room: chicken burger with cheddar, fries. Slide scans due back yesterday won't be ready until tomorrow. Identifying people in the GAL followup work. Chatted with Eric about a forthcoming news story Susie wants to run. Installed PharmAdMIT 2004 for Alyssa. Dinner at home with Patrick: seasoned pork chop, hearts of romaine with croutons and shredded parmesan, ciabatta roll, Smart Balance Light. Completed a survey for Mozy for Mac. Here's what I said: "Be quicker to acknowledge with a beta or 1.0 product that you might possibly have a problem on your end that you need to fix when you receive a problem report that might indicate that. Update your support web pages. e.g., links only to the Windows download and doesn't provide instructions for how to access the logfile for Mac (Command+Space, Enter the word Console, find the Mozy logfile). Ask Lawrence to read his e-mail messages more carefully—throughout ticket t9354074816429 several of his replies indicated to me that he either did not read or understand my messages. I got my problem solved, but Lawrence's messages did not raise my confidence in Mozy—it lowered it. Thank you for letting me switch my license from PC to Mac—that was very sweet of you (and I said so in my blog, too). As of March 26, 2008, I cannot recommend Mozy for Mac to my computer novice friends who have Macs. You're the best thing out there, though, and you're almost there—keep up the good work!" Got partway through doing my (our) state tax return. Pruned some bookmarks. Dessert: one almond roca. Tennis ball massage. Weight training: crunch, leg lift, reverse leg lift, lateral leg lift, sissy calf raise.