Saturday, February 23, 2008

In Entourage 2008, when you delete a calendar item to which someone else has been invited, a dialog appears: "You have chosen to cancel this event. Do you want to notify the invitees? ( ) Yes with comments, ( ) Yes, without comments, ( ) No. [Cancel] [OK]." If you then decide you don't want to cancel the event after all, the correct button to press is Cancel—pressing Cancel means "Don't Cancel". And OK means Cancel. Breakfast: egg sandwich on bagel, white peach juice. Worked on Danny's website: when Drew asked me to add an image of a certificate to the site, I realized this was one case in which a DHTML solution was not simply appropriate but also provided a better user experience. I used Lokesh Dhakar's Lightbox 2 solution, which worked perfectly. I had previously thought it wouldn't be good for anything, and I still think the PREV and NEXT buttons should appear briefly then fade away so that the user knows they are available, but now I'm a believer. I discovered today that when looking at a set of thumbnails in Flickr you can press Command+] to go to the next page and Command+[ to go to the previous page (presuming you haven't created a click history anywhere else already). Napped with Patrick. Cut my hair, showered. Went to Chris and Andy's birthday party at their home in Redwood City. Before the party we stopped in downtown Redwood City and ate a delicious dinner at a Turkish restaurant called New Kapadokia (650-368-5500, 2399 Broadway Street, Redwood City). Patrick and I both had salad with chicken shish kabobs, no dessert. Wine and Turkish coffee for Patrick, hot water for me. Before New Kapadokia, we stepped in to nearby Red Lantern (650-369-5483, 808 Winslow Street, Redwood City) and were interested, but they were full for the night. During the party Bruce and I got to talking about clothes shopping, and he's kind of about my size so I had him try on my shirt from H&M boys.