Monday, February 4, 2008

Usual oatmeal breakfast. Associate P65 files with InDesign on Alyssa's computer while logged in as her; it didn't quite do it correctly when I was logged in as admin. Helped Cindy with resetting rules that broke after the listserv server upgrade on Saturday. Sent a notice to everyone about the listserv server upgrade. Troubleshot a Sophos installation problem for student DU. Helped student SI connect her PDA to campus wireless. Student DN stopped by with a thank you note and a bottle of wine for me. Responded to a lot of e-mail I received over the weekend. Prepared a message for the dean and associate dean of administration about near-term web server issues. Dinner at home with Patrick: shrimp and vegetables noodle stir fry. Dessert: melon and strawberry sorbets. Downloaded photos from the camera. A weird thing happened today when I was using VMWare Fusion 1.1 (62573)—I accidentally locked Windows XP and the login screen came up but when I clicked on my icon to log back in it asked me for a password. I have no password set on my Windows account, but it kept asking for a password. I ended up shutting down Windows XP and restarting Fusion and then it worked as I expected again.