Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Usual oatmeal breakfast plus yogurt. Small pathway edits for Cindy. Lunch from the cafeteria: cornbread (which I shared with Joel and Scott), salmon, brown rice, grilled vegetables. Couldn't remember how I got sound schemes to load for limited users—now it says "Installation failed." No answers on the web. My solution: temporarily give the user admin rights, install the sound schemes (by right-clicking the INF file for jungle.inf, musica.inf, utopia.inf, etc.), then log in as admin again and remove the admin privs from the limited user. After that the limited user can change the sound schemes without problem. Met briefly with Alyssa who walked me through ICRD screens. Continued coding Pharm Sci resources page for Carol. Some LGBT work. Dinner at home by myself: ground cow burritos with grilled mushrooms, 4-cheese, diced green heirloom tomatoes, multigrain tortillas. Dessert: fruit bar popsicle. Worked on Danny's website. Installed Mozy Home to resolve SnapshotError0 error messages beginning October 6. I really wish Mozy Home updated itself like nearly all modern applications. The update seemed to fix the problem—backups are working again.