Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Usual oatmeal breakfast. Made live and announced new pages about IPPEs. Preview sessions edit for Joel. Followup with new hire preparations. Plugged in PharmAdMIT e-mail settings for Scott. Current students calendar update. Filed a reimbursement request with Susie. Required software cdrom status update. Answered computer requirements questions from entering student JU. Removed Bluetooth adapter from Joel's computer. Coded new update from the dean. Lunch: takeout from Palio: half san paolo sandwich, chicken salad, mineral water, wedding cookie. Helped an applicant with problems with Form E of the supplemental application. More update from the dean coding. External link checking for update from the dean. Prox card followup. Removed a large unneeded monitor from Eric's workspace. Shared laptop updates: Microsoft Update, Defender scan, Remote Buddy, Office 2004. Turned off FileVault for all accounts on the shared laptop. Installed Boot Camp 1.4. Disk cleanup, defrag. Disk Utility: fix permissions, verify volume. Archived receipts for reimbursement. Downloaded photos from the camera. Dinner at home with Patrick: almond pilaf, grilled chicken boobs, leftover tiramisu. Watched The Matrix Reloaded on DVD with Patrick.