Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Usual oatmeal breakfast. Sent Outlook tip #10 to Alyssa, Carol, and Scott. Made live next year's calendars. Computer maintenance: disk cleanup, defrag, scandisk. Pointsec evaluation. Labeled USB drives. Prepared introduction to Office 2007. Uploaded pathway presentations for Carol. Troubleshot Alyssa's computer which got a blue screen of death while running scandisk. PowerMax disk check for Cindy—all is well. Lunch: salad takeout from the cafeteria. Flash media card reader shopping. Scott gave me a tchotchke today—a green yo-yo from World Education Service. Went to the dentist—no problems. Stopped at Radio Shack and bought a media card reader on sale for $10. Stopped at Arizmendi Bakery and picked up a pair of pear-ginger scones. Dinner at home with Patrick: stuffing-stuffed pork chops, corn bisque, and baked potato. Watched Madonna's The Confessions Tour on DVD with Patrick. The film was very painful to watch at times because someone decided that I needed to see the concert broken up into hundreds of cuts per minute. I wish they had produced two versions—epileptic and non-epileptic—and let people decide which one they wanted to see. Madonna seemed really stiff throughout the film and especially at the beginning. Patrick thought she needed to ditch the high-heeled boots and shoes. We skipped parts of it. I thought it didn't have a coherent message. Overall I was very disappointed and would not recommend it to anyone.