Saturday, March 10, 2007

Usual oatmeal breakfast. Patrick cleaned the bathroom after getting home from martial arts practice. Cut my hair and showered. Patrick showered. Snack: an apple. Helped Patrick create a new CD cover. Tried getting Pandora to work in OS X in Firefox. Plugged "Madonna" in to the home page and it said it was creating a new playlist or something and never stopped—the dreaded action statement ending with an ellipsis with no animated feedback and no opportunity to stop the action requested. I tried reloading the page, but the interface doesn't behave very smoothly—things don't happen when I click or the things I expect to happen don't happen when I click. I closed the browser in frustration. As an aside, for a few brief moments during this, I wondered, "What would it be like if the people who wrote Firefox wrote a word processor?" The (poor) design of Microsoft Word haunts me even when I'm not using it. Remi came over for an hour while Jesse had his voice lesson. Lunch with Remi and Jesse at a sushi restaurant. We talked about French prepositions, gender for objects, and articles; singing; Thailand; San Diego; Hawaii; The Mint; films. Today was unusually sunny and clear but the air was very chilly and breezy. Remi and Jesse took off. Patrick and I did a quick wash job on the car. I took a nap while Patrick took a bath. Worked on Patrick's myspace redesign mockup. Dinner at home with Patrick: steamed rice, coconut milk chicken curry with bell peppers and mushrooms, naan. Dessert: we shared a Downey's original 4-ounce irish whiskey cake (which Tony Q bought for us for Christmas)—it's delicious! Worked on Corinna's website. Tried shopping online at, but it failed to remember my password correctly. When I asked it to send me my password in e-mail, it generated an unrecoverable error. Tried ordering ink cartridges from, but I added something to my shopping cart that I didn't want and was unable to remove it—I tried the Delete button, and I tried entering 0 and selecting the Update button, but neither of those things worked. Weight training: push up, plank.