Friday, August 25, 2006

Morning run: 35 minutes. Weight training: crunch, leg lift, wrist curl. Usual oatmeal breakfast. Linkchecking. Installed ATM Deluxe. Installed Flock Link updating for Davide (pcweb to pharmchem). Handcounted Apple flyers, distributed. Chatted with Chris about the PC113 website, educause, airbus. Checked in with Susan M about setting up a new one. Listserv updating for Joel. Bought wrapping paper at the hospital gift shop. Archived a USPS return receipt (Google Analytics) to PDF. Bulk-erased an old Palm m515 handheld computer for surplus. New news mockup for Susie. Prepared old equipment for surplus. Faculty page updates for Susie. Archived a receipt to PDF. Dinner at home with Patrick: beef bourguignon, mac and cheese, asparagus. Watched Inside Man on DVD, which we borrowed from Sam. It's a bank robber film, but everything isn't what it seems. It's the perfect heist, but this is a very different bank robber film than I've ever seen. We liked it a lot; trying to figure things out was fun. I realize today that Flock doesn't import bookmarks properly. There appears to be no concept of subfolders in this version of Flock, so a bookmarks tree from a different browser (e.g., Firefox) is imported into Flock so that every subfolder is at the top level. (I think.) This is very painful—I couldn't function for a while because I couldn't find certain bookmarks I needed. Uploaded photos.