Saturday, August 19, 2006

Slept in. Woke. Napped. Helped Mom Ryan and Patrick move Mom Ryan from one apartment to another in her building. Bought deli items for lunch at Safeway, ate in the courtyard at Mom Ryan's place. Home. Nap. Dinner at home with Patrick: leftovers for me, turkey burger with swiss for Patrick. Saw Pirates of the Carribean 2: Dead Man's Chest at Daly City Century 20. Tickets were $10 each, a 130-ounce root beer was $4.95, a 32-ounce popcorn was $3.37. We were entertained by the film, but it was long, and it was meandering. At the end, things don't entirely make sense; there is no conclusion in this film. It's foreplay for the third film in the trilogy, and in a sense it's disappointing for that. My favorite scenes involve a giant wheel. We both particularly enjoyed the kebab. I enjoyed identifying things stolen from the Disneyland ride. Stay past the end credits for an extra scene. I also thought the special effects were amazing.