Sunday, July 30, 2006

I had planned to spend today coding Lodestar, but I realized rather unexpectedly that I couldn't do any more work since I was waiting on Patrick to review edits, so I spent the day with Phil, Drew, and Quyen at Up Your Alley. I ran into Jordan and (Gilbert?) and Augie, but I didn't see anyone else I knew. Partway through the day I started shooting all my photos from the thigh—I'm too shy to be obvious, and even Phil got a (polite) hand in his face when he attempted to take a photo. It was the usual activity, though not as daring or permissive as in the past. We saw a fair monitor stop one of the acts taking place. Everyone fell into a short nap at Phil and Drew's, and I returned home to have dinner with Patrick: salad and leftovers. Chatted on the phone with Nate today.