Wednesday, February 8, 2006

Breakfast at home: same as yesterday plus vanilla yogurt. Telecommute day. Lots of web edits to the computer security and email sections. Created a new help page for people with the mailbox too full problem. Minor web edit for James. Reposted a form for Lucia. Notified staff that an update has been postponed. Regalia reg form work—I realized I am not handling my check for cookies entirely properly. It seems I can't do a check that cookies work easily and keep clean URLs, but I'll try something out tomorrow that might work. Edited a white coat ceremony photo for Joel. Helped two students today. One needed an image of the campus, the other needed help with VPN. Chatted with Nate, sent Chris and Nate a new layout of the apartment. Routed an extension cable. Set up the air cleaner in the bathroom. Dinner at home by myself: turkey burgers. I am very behind on my e-mail. Took a bath.