Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Student computing committee meeting. Worked with Charles a little on Meeting Maker and password database training. Lunch by myself at Taboun (415-566-9696, 203 Parnassus Av): chicken shawirma wrap, $7, delicious (even though my lavash was a little too charred in a few places). CD-ROM building with DemoShield at the library. Dinner at home with Patrick: rock shrimp and vegetables rosilli (rotelle and fusilli), foccacia. Recently Patrick and I watched a documentary called "Happy Birthday, Oscar Wilde" taped from PBS, and I was surprised to see my former Adobe co-worker Kevin Fabian in it. The documentary is a celebration of the wit and history of Oscar Wilde, and it's amusing because of the style in which it's filmed. Famous and not-so-famous actors recite quotations of his deadpan or very dramatically. Lodestar work: small edits after reviews came back. Patrick went to bed early tonight. I think he's still recovering from jetlag. Balanced the checkbook. Configured new Forecastfox settings and exported them as XML to take to work.