Sunday, May 29, 2005

My eyes have been itchy lately, so I stayed in bed this morning with an ice pack. Late brunch: potatoes o'brien, 2 eggs scrambled, 2 maple sausage links. More organizing of junk. I took a bunch of pictures of stuff to give away or sell on ebay but when I inserted the card into the reader I got an error, so I have to do the photos all over again. Another day, then. Showered. Met Tony Q and Steven at Cafe Flore. We went to Thai Chef for dinner, then walked around the Castro, ended up at BriKelJess's place. Deep was there. We talked about Star Wars: ranking the 6 films in quality; whether there will ever be 7, 8, and 9; how bad the dialogue was in 1, 2, and 3; what Roger Ebert said about the dialogue ("To say that George Lucas cannot write a love scene is an understatement; greeting cards have expressed more passion."); what made 4, 5, and 6 worth watching (BK says it was Harrison Ford); which of the actors got along with George Lucas (none?). Deep left, Chris and Rick arrived. Simma and Jesse arrived just as we were heading out. We (BK, Kel, Chris, Rick, and I) MWed to the UA Galaxy 4 to see Kung-Fu Hustle, which everyone enjoyed a lot. I had seen this film on DVD with Patrick on April 15, 2005, but at the time I was on medication for my back pain, so I didn't remember everything in the film. It was very enjoyable to see it again whilst more coherent. Things made a lot more sense. The theatre played commercials for seemingly 20 to 30 minutes beforehand—it was torturous for me. On the way back we talked about the relativity of weather and what feels comfortable. We saw what we assumed were 2 high school proms or dances, one with lots of green lasers and color wheel visuals, another playing Kraftwerk. Not last night but the night before I dreamt I was sitting on top of a roof of a building in a city. There were a lot of other people there, too—about 50 to 100 others. All of a sudden, the rooftop began spinning, slowly at first, then quickly after gathering speed. The rooftop slowed, then stopped. Somehow in the dream I knew that the events that had transpired were important somehow and that I was part of a team competing against other teams to solve some kind of puzzle or riddle of which the spinning rooftop was a clue. The teams adjourned to the bar of an elegant restaurant to cluster in groups and strategize. The dream did not reveal what the prize was, and there wasn't any more to the dream, so I didn't ever figure out whether the riddle got answered. Today BK explained to me what BMW means: BART, MUNI, Walk. As in: "Let's take the BMW," which means we'll take public transit and do some walking to get there. I like that Brian walks or bicycles just about everywhere. He's a true urbanite like that, embracing city culture to its fullest.