Wednesday, February 9, 2005

Joe's Ohs with diced dried nectarines, brown sugar, rice milk. Telecommute day. Studied features in Outlook Web Access. Updated e-mail migration pages. Worked on new pages describing how to choose an excellent password. Writing this was a lot harder than I had expected, but I've been making steady progress, and it is likely to be done tomorrow. I've been learning a lot just doing research for the answer, and the answer is not what you think. Julie finished DNS updates for the dev site, so in a mild panic I rsynced one last time then set up jEdit on the home computer. All is well so far. Dinner at home with Patrick: leftover pizza, leftover biryani, pan-fried ahi tuna, naan. Patrick and I watched 3 Simpsons episodes. I found Skinner's Sense of Snow particularly hilarious, and Patrick and I enjoyed the scenes which were rudely suggestive but not: Willy talking to Skinner just after Skinner climbed out of the deliveries chute, and later Skinner talking to the hamster after the snow had melted. I have officially lost faith in IntelliSync for Yahoo! Sometimes when I run it it simply fails to log in to Yahoo!. If I run it again, it logs in just fine. Also, I'm starting to see errors like "Unable to read application data" and, again, if I rerun the sync it seems to update with no errors. I haven't seen this kind of inconsistency in behavior since coding my computer programming homework assignments in college. Oh, Mozilla Sunbird—why aren't you a 2.0 product when I need you now?