Tuesday, September 7, 2004

Student Computing meeting. OSACA staff meeting: Rob D came to talk about the employee survey. After much stress and hassle, cdroms from Mr. Toad's arrive at 4:25 PM during Kevin's orientation so I run them down to him. Snack: fortune cookie leftover from Panda Express a few days ago. My fortune: Your careful nature will bring you financial success. City Tours updates for Kristy. Student computing issues. Finished backing up Chris's laptop. Joel made sushi for the office today! It was all beautifully arranged on a square, green, lacquered plate. None of the pieces fell apart—I was very impressed. Stayed late cleaning spyware off everyone's computers and installing freeware security tools: Startup Manager and Spyware Blaster. Home. Vacuumed up broken glass (a candle holder broke last night), vacuumed much of the rest of the house, exercised, showered. Dinner at home by myself: pepperoni pizza. Downloaded and installed Mozilla Sunbird 0.2a. Discovered Mozile through Chris Kelley's blog, vetula.com, which was linked from the Mozilla Calendar FAQ. Mozile is not yet ready for production use, but that's quite alright with me as I already have too many projects on my plate for now. It might be something I could use in the future, though. It's hard not to be impressed with such a potentially elegant CMS. I'm researching calendars because (a) I want a backup plan in case our School of Pharmacy migration to Exchange server in fall 2005 doesn't let us do calendars the way we like, and (b) Patrick and I want the ability to share calendars with each other (but not necessarily anyone else). We don't run an Exchange server at home, and if I have my way, we never will.