Sunday, June 27, 2004

Patrick seemed to have recovered from his allergy symptoms from yesterday, so we prepared to go to the Gay Pride parade today. Just before leaving, however, we discovered a black and white cat who had settled down just outside our front door. The cat was a big one, and it wouldn't run away even when we got close to it. Patrick thought it was a girl cat that was pregnant and put out some rice milk. (We didn't have any cow's milk left.) The cat didn't even touch it, so we thought it was hungry and Patrick put out a little bit of canned salmon, but it wouldn't eat that, either. We also put a cardboard box next to it with an old towel in case it needed the shelter, but it wouldn't move into it. Eventually, we just left hoping the cat would be okay. Caught the tail end of the gay pride parade. Went shopping at Benetton on Jesse's recommendation, found a zip-up sweater jacket for Patrick that was on sale for 50% plus an additional 20% discount. The saleswoman tacked on to her pitch: "That's 70% off!" to which I replied, "No, it's not." The saleswoman called her manager and continued to look puzzled as I tried to explain. She said, "Well, that's how we've been advertising it" and, eventually, "I'm not that good at math," among other things. The manager came upstairs to where we were, and she too insisted that it was 70% off. I proceeded to give a friendly but instructive lesson in basic math, and the manager's calculator went click-clack-click and eventually they finally agreed with me, and we were all laughing about the whole deal afterwards. Patrick and I went to the Gay Pride Festival afterwards. Lunch at Quizno's, about $12.66 for both of us. Ran in to Remi and Jesse, then later Gregg and Justin. We tried to meet up with Galen, but poor cellphone service prevented it. Grocery shopping at Golden Produce. Home. The cat from this morning was gone, and in its place was a wine bottle from Adam and Christina thanking us for having found their cat. Mystery solved. Shower. Dinner at home with Patrick: salmon with dill and ginger, mashed potatoes, asparagus spears, bread. Dessert: slices of an Asian pear. Edited Patrick's China photos. Patrick had some sneezing today, but not as bad as yesterday.