Tuesday, June 22, 2004

Oatmeal with banana. Poster project for Cindy. Some Web changes for Susie: Homecoming, Alumni. Lunch: sandwich from the cafeteria, orange, banana. Troubleshot mailing label printing problems for Ena: restarted the printer and her computer—everything is fine now. Revalidated the PharmAdMIT database for Melissa. Home. Weight training: arms, abs. Printed out an invitation for our upstairs neighbors to our forthcoming N'awlins Cookin' event. Dinner at home with Patrick: roast chicken, leftover pasta salad, baguette. Edited Patrick's China photos, which involves using the hi-res images we got from Ofoto on CD-ROM, cropping, color correction, and other image editing. Took care of Lodestar bounces, deleted some e-mail addresses from our list, which now has 372 subscribers. Patrick and I both have jury duty this week. Each night we have to call the jury hotline to find out if we're called in the next day. So far we've not been called in. So far so good.