Monday, May 3, 2004

Linkchecking. The web site is down—Tomcat errors. Downloaded tarball archive of the dev site. Spoke with Yvette at about a problem with a Mother's Day order and somewhat deceptive marketing practices. She was not very empathetic with what I claimed to be misleading information on their Web site during the ordering process. Joel brought in tortilla chips and homemade salsa—yum! Installed an old copy of Intellihance 2.0. I thought I had a valid serial number, but it doesn't seem to work for me, so I installed as a demo user. Installed Workrave at work. Spiffed up the student awards ceremony presentation for Cindy. Errands after work: Cole Hardware, Safevay. Dinner: leftover spaghetti. Salad with red leaf and spinach, broccoli, mushrooms, asiago, roasted garlic dressing. Watched last night's new Simpsons: Simple Simpson - not very funny. Edited more of Second Island—to the end of chapter 5.