Sunday, June 29, 2003

Breakfast at Cafe Rain Tree. Took MUNI to Civic Center, skipping the parade and going directly to the Gay Pride festival. Turns out we caught some of the parade on the TV in Cafe Rain Tree. So technically, Patrick has still never been to a gay pride parade though we initially intended for this to be his first. The best parts about the festival: Fag Friday's stage with Ruben Mancias and David Harness and the jump rope people nearby. Worst things about the festival: $3 for water, cigarette smoke. Patrick ran in to Yasuto and chatted for a few minutes while I was in a Porta-Potty. We drank only a single Red Bull. Got bored after about 90 minutes and went to the Castro where the smaller crowds were a relief. We ate at Nirvana. We were both amazed at the awful service, but it's clear that people here are hired for their looks rather than their intelligence or skills. Example: the guy who brought our entrees dripped a line of sauce from my ramen noodles about a third of the way from the kitchen, leaving the plate edge smeared with the sauce. However, what amazed me more was my notice of the large drop of post-nasal drip that was hanging out of his right nostril when he set the plate down, and I wondered if any had already dripped in to my meal. He had a theme about dripping going on, but if this is truly Nirvana, I'm switching religions! Walked around the Castro a little more, then went home. Napped. Late snack: leftovers from the barbecue.