Monday, September 23, 2002

Took me over an hour to get to work today. Left home at 8:05 AM. Bus 66 didn't show up 8:08 AM, so I walked to the L line at about 8:12 AM. Just missed a train, so waited about 15 minutes for another. Got to West Portal station about 15 minutes later. Just missed a Bus 43, so waited about 20 minutes for another. Got to work at about 9:12 AM. Web meeting with Susie. My cousin Corinna sent me e-mail today saying she's officially got her PhD now—way to go, Corinna! Lunch with Joel at Nan King Road Bistro. He talked about the new TV season, the interviews for the admissions assistant position, his organization of the forthcoming White Coat Ceremony. I talked mostly about Kim and Peter's wedding. After lunch, just a few straggling issues remained with new student accounts, so I worked on fixing that today. Placed a quote request for digital versions of the student passport photos that we sent to PhotoBooks in Atlanta. Helped Ena and Joel with an Excel issue. Joel was happy to have learned how to print his own mailing labels. (I was, too!) Set up Kristina with info on how to check her email and voicemail when she's away from the office. Helped James reconfigure PharmAdMIT since we broke his setup while trying some things out last week. All better now. Found some more empty boxes in the hallway that are great for glassware when moving, so I snagged them and stuck them in my office, taking one home on the bus today. Picked up money from the ATM, caught a 66 bus home quite fortuitously—it showed up right when I did, and I don't think that's ever happened to me before with the 66. I was quite excited. Wrapped a package of photos for Tina. Dinner at home with Patrick: teriyaki salmon, corn on the cob, thinly sliced cucumbers, almond pilaf. Watched the Monsters, Inc. extras (part of the two-CD collector's edition). There were far more extras than I expected, which made for too many nested menus—it was hard to remember where I was in the CD. It felt like there was more material on the extras CD than on the movie CD. The production quality of the extras CD was excellent. Patrick's favorite part of the extras CD was the short film called "Mike's New Car." My favorite parts: the multi-language clip and the location flyarounds. We didn't have time to watch everything; allocate several hours (I guess) if you want to see it all.