Monday, September 16, 2002

First day of orientation. Web meeting with Lorie and Susie and the gang about Center for Consumer Self Care. Photocopied handouts and charts for tomorrow's presentation. (I screwed up on my reprographics order.) Picked up CD-ROMs from Olde West—everything came out okay, I think, except there was a font substitution problem on the disc imprinting—not a huge problem. Lunch at desk: a box lunch leftover from orientation: tuna on soft foccacia, strawberries, carrots, a cherry tomato, penne salad, an oatmeal raisin cookie. Coded more pages for the Information for Web Developers section. It took me 90 minutes to get home today; none of the 66 busses seemed to be running, as I waited over 40 minutes before taking a 44 from 9th and Lawton to West Portal, then an L train to home. Our new battery charger arrived today. Dinner at home with Patrick: salmon with spinach and cheese ravioli. Coded Nicola's play for Lodestar, sent it out for review.