Wednesday, February 6, 2002

Patrick makes my favorite breakfast for me before I go to work. Reggie from One Workplace put my tackboards on the wall. Lunch with Ena, Joel, and Patrick at Nan King Road Bistro. Susie and Martha and I do a graphics review of the new website. Our launch date is pushed back again, this time to an uncertain date about 2 weeks from now. I removed Debrah's UPS because it was acting strangely. Dinner is takeout from Popeye's. Amy and David join us for dinner. Of us, Patrick was the only one who'd had Popeye's before. The food is surprisingly good for fast food, and David declares it better than KFC after tasting only the sides: red beans and rice and mashed potatoes and gravy. Afterward, the four of us play Harry Potter UNO. Patrick wins with 436 points (we quit when we got tired of playing), David in second with 168, Amy in third with 157, and me in last with 0 points.